
BC Today, June 19: Former B.C. United candidate joins Tories | Brain injury and addiction recovery

CBC Vancouver

On Wednesday's show: - Former B.C. United candidate Chris Moore is set to run for the B.C. Conservatives in October's provincial election. We get the latest details and ask viewers for their thoughts on the state of B.C.'s main political parties. - Our Road to Recovery series continues with a discussion on brain injuries acquired from overdoses. We invite viewers to share their stories and we speak to a psychology professor. To join the conversation, call us from noon PT on: Toll-free: 1-800-825-5950 Lower Mainland: 604-669-3733 Cellphone: # 690 You can email us at any time. Our address is #CBCVancouver #BCToday #britishcolumbia #livenews #livestream #bcpoli #bcunited #bcconservatives #bcndp #bcelection #johnrustad #roadtorecovery #addictionhelp #addictionrecovery #healthcare

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