
BC Today, March 17: The Bay to liquidate stores | Celebrating St. Patrick's Day

CBC Vancouver

On Monday's show: -- Canada's oldest business is set to liquidate its stores this week, putting more than 9,000 jobs at risk. Retail strategist David Ian Gray joins the show to discuss what this means for the future of department stores as we ask viewers about their memories of Hudson's Bay. -- We celebrate St. Patrick's Day by reflecting on B.C.'s connections to Ireland. Vancouver's Consul General of Ireland Cathy Geagan joins the show. To join the conversation, call us from noon PT on: Toll-free: 1-800-825-5950 Lower Mainland: 604-669-3733 Cellphone: # 690 #CBCVancouver #BCToday #britishcolumbia #livenews #livestream #thebay #hudsonsbay #business #stpatricksday #ireland

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