BC Today, Nov. 20: Storm aftermath | Transgender Day of Remembrance | Carbon tax alternatives
On Wednesday's show: -- Tens of thousands of people, mostly on Vancouver Island, are still without power after hurricane-force wind gusts from a 'bomb cyclone' system blasted southwest B.C. overnight and into Wednesday. We hear the latest updates. -- On Transgender Day of Remembrance, we ask our audience to let us know who they are thinking of, and what support trans people need in this province. -- After 12:30 p.m., the carbon tax has become a hot-button issue in both federal and provincial politics. With the United Nations Climate Change conference continuing in Baku this week, we discuss the pros, cons and alternatives to a carbon tax. To join the conversation, call us from noon PT on: Toll-free: 1-800-825-5950 Lower Mainland: 604-669-3733 Cellphone: # 690 #CBCVancouver #BCToday #britishcolumbia #livenews #livestream #bcpoli #bcnews #bcstorm #bombcyclone #vancouverisland #poweroutage #transdayofremembrance #carbontax #cop29 #unclimatechange