BC Today, Nov. 25: Loonie hits lowest level in 5 years | State of mental health in Canada
On Monday's show: -- The Canadian dollar has slipped to its lowest level in five years. We hear what this means for British Columbians in the lead-up to the holiday season. -- About 2.5 million people in Canada aren't getting adequate care for their mental health, according to a new report by the Canadian Mental Health Association. We ask our audience what services they need in B.C., and whether mental health should be included in public health care. To join the conversation, call us from noon PT on: Toll-free: 1-800-825-5950 Lower Mainland: 604-669-3733 Cellphone: # 690 #CBCVancouver #BCToday #britishcolumbia #livenews #livestream #bcpoli #bcnews #canadiandollar #lowloonie #economy #snowbirds #canadaborder #mentalhealth #healthcare #Canadianmentalhealth