
Call to use amputation as a last resort

Dans Caraibes / Barbade

Barbados need not be labelled as the amputee capital of the world. That's the belief of Founder and Chair of Caribbean Wounds Network, Dr. Simone McConnie. While a guest on CBC TV8's Mornin' Barbados, Dr. McConnie suggests some people who had amputations did not need to. Dr. McConnie says wound care has become a multi-billion dollar industry across the world. But she notes the Caribbean seems to have been left behind, without easy access to knowledge or wound care dressings. Speaking ahead of the Launch of the Caribbean Wounds Network on Saturday, Dr. McConnie says the group is hoping to change that. Subscribe to CBC News: cbcbarbados Connect with the CBC News Barbados Website: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: #CBCTV8 #CBCNewsNight #ThisIsWhoWeAre

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