
Defending the environment - Article earns a Ugandan pupil commonwealth award

Dans Afrique / Ouganda

A 13-year old Primary Six Pupil of Namiryango Junior School Victor Austin Kiyaga has emerged a runner-up in the annual Queen’s Commonwealth Essay Writing Competition. Kiyaga followed a 13-year Erynn Liew from Puchong in Malaysia, who emerged the winner out of the over 34,000 participants drawn from commonwealth countries. Kiyaga wrote an article titled ‘Whispers From Nazawa’, depicting an imaginary beach where inhabitants, including sea creatures and weeds, are complaining of abuse of their home by humans, thereby threatening their very existence. He will travel to London next month to attend the Winners’ Week meeting. The school organised a thanksgiving service preceded by a procession through Seeta with police in ceremonial attire in the lead,

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