Efforts to resolve environmental issues at Parkinson
The reported bed bug problem at Parkinson Memorial School is not a public health threat. This assurance is coming from acting Chief Medical Officer Dr. Arthur Phillips who tells CBC News officers from his Ministry have visited the Pine St. Michael-based institution to investigate the matter. He says the Ministry's visit is not unusual since it usually responds to queries, including at schools. Meanwhile, Parkinson's Board Chairman Ian Stewart says following a meeting with teachers at the Barbados Community College today, urgent action will be taken to resolve the environmental issues at the institution. Subscribe to CBC News: cbcbarbados Connect with the CBC News Barbados Website: https://www.cbc.bb/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CBCNews.bb/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cbcnewsbarb... Twitter: https://twitter.com/CBCBARBADOS #CBCTV8 #CBCNewsNight #ThisIsWhoWeAre