
Electric Cars in Mexico City: A Solution to Pollution?

CGTN America
Dans Asie / Chine

In the 90s, Mexico City was the most polluted and most populated city on the planet. Since then, countless policies have been implemented to mitigate pollution and improve the air quality in the capital. But they all have fallen short due, in large part, to vehicle pollutants. That is why the arrival of the latest generation of electric vehicles might prove to be a game changer. Joel Richards has the story. #ElectricCars #MexicoCity #PollutionSolution #AmericasNow #features Watch CGTN LIVE on your computer, tablet or mobile Subscribe to CGTN America on YouTube Follow CGTN America: Twitter: @cgtnamerica Facebook: @cgtnamerica Instagram: @cgtnamerica TikTok: @newstoks This material is distributed by MediaLinks TV, LLC on behalf of CCTV. Additional information is available at the Department of Justice, Washington, D.C.

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