
Flotilla Parade focuses on the 6 liturgical seasons

Dans Caraibes / Barbade

The six liturgical seasons of the Christian calendar will be the focus of the second Anglican Diocese Flotilla Parade and Rally. The churches in the St. Michael Deanery of the Anglican Diocese of Barbados are collaborating to host the event. The colourful parade will begin at the All Souls Church in Bank Hall, taking participants to Bridgetown and most districts of the churches of the St. Michael Deanery before ending at Christ the King Church in Rock Dundo, St. Michael. Rural Dean of the St. Michael Deanery, Reverend Canon Dr. Sonia Hinds says the takeaway message is Christ is very much alive in Barbados. Subscribe to CBC News: cbcbarbados Connect with the CBC News Barbados Website: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: #CBCTV8 #CBCNewsNight #ThisIsWhoWeAre

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