
Gov’t urged to invest more in ending disputes, evictions

Dans Afrique / Ouganda

Leaders from Bunyoro are calling on the government to address the rampant land disputes that frequently result in the eviction of people from their homes. They say many people in Bunyoro do not have land titles and land grabbers have been using this loophole to title people’s land without their knowledge before evicting them. The region has witnessed massive land evictions in the areas of Kapaapi Sub-County and Rwobunyonyi in Buraru Sub-County Hoima District, Kijayo in Kiziranfumbi Sub-County, Bukinda in Kyangwali Sub-County Kikuube District. Harriet Businge Mugenyi the Vice Chairperson Bunyoro Parliamentary Caucus says the issue of land in Bunyoro requires affirmative action such that people can own land titles. She notes that people may not benefit much from the Oil and Gas Industry because the majority of them have been evicted by grabbers. #NTVNews #NTVTonight #NTVWeekendEdition Subscribe to Our Channel For more news visit Follow us on Twitter Connect with us on Messenger via

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