
Harry and Meghan will never be forgiven by William and Kate says royal expert

Sky News Australia
Dans Asie / Australie

A royal expert has revealed Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will never be forgiven by Prince William and Princess Catherine. Former royal correspondent Charles Rae appeared on The Sun’s Royal Exclusive show to speak about the brothers’ strained relationship. Rae also discussed the possibility of the two couples reconciling and who should make the first move. “Well, I think it is down to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex to make the first move. Whether or not it would be accepted by William and Catherine, I doubt very much it would be,” he said. The former royal correspondent believes the Sussexes will never be forgiven because of Meghan Markle. “I don’t think it’s ever going to happen and I suspect one of the driving forces in not making it happen is Meghan herself,” he said.

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