
How to co-exist with humpback whales as they return to B.C.’s coastal waters

CBC Vancouver

Since the 1980s, and after the closure of Woodfibre in 2006, wildlife in Howe Sound has seen a remarkable turnaround. Salmon stocks have rebounded. Rare glass sponge reefs have been protected. In another sign of the new abundance of wildlife, one of nature's largest creatures, humpback whales, are also making a comeback. Andrew Trites, with the University of British Columbia's Marine Mammal Research Unit, joins CBC’s Tanya Fletcher to talk about how people can interact with whales responsibly. Connect with CBC Vancouver online: Website: TikTok: #CBCVancouver #CBCNews #BritishColumbia #howesound #greatervancouver #pollution #whale #humpbackwhales #whalewatching #wildlife #ubc #woodfibre #lng

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