
Indian Athlete Vispy Kharadi Sets Guinness World Record for Longest Hercules Pillar Hold

India Today
Dans Asie / Inde

Indian athlete Vispey Kharadi has set a Guinness World Record for the longest Hercules pillar hold. He sustained 168 kg pillars for 2 minutes and 10.75 seconds. The pillars, inspired by Greek architecture, measured 123 inches in height and 20.5 inches in diameter. Tech billionaire Elon Musk shared a video of Karade's achievement, bringing global attention to the feat. #VispyKharadi #itwebvideos #guinnessworldrecord #herculespillarhold #indianathlete #elonmusk #indiaproud #strengthrecord #athleticachievement #greekinspired #globalrecognition Subscribe to India Today for NEW VIDEOS EVERY DAY and make sure to enable Push Notifications so you'll never miss a new video. All you need to do is PRESS THE BELL ICON next to the Subscribe button! India Today TV is India's leading English News Channel. India Today YouTube channel offers latest news videos on Politics, Business, Cricket, Bollywood, Lifestyle, Auto, Technology, Travel, Entertainment and a lot more. Stay tuned for latest updates and in-depth analysis of news from India and around the world! WhatsApp Channel: Download App: Follow us: Official website: Twitter: Facebook:

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