Judicial service commission will be headed by Justice Singiza

Dans Afrique / Ouganda

The Appointments Committee of Parliament is vetting officials recently appointed by President Yoweri Museveni to serve as members of the Judicial Service Commission. These include Justice Douglas Singiza Karekona who was appointed as the Chairperson of the Judicial Service Commission to replace Justice Benjamin Kabito, who has led the commission since September 2016. Others are Rosette Comfort Kania, the deputy chairperson and Frank Musingwire, a member of the Judicial Service Commission. Speaker of Parliament Anita, among the chairs of the Appointments Committee, is Joel Ssenyonyi, the Leader of Opposition in Parliament, who is also a member of the committee. #NTVNews #NTVTonight #NTVWeekendEdition Subscribe to Our Channel For more news visit http://www.ntv.co.ug Follow us on Twitter http://www.twitter.com/ntvuganda Connect with us on Messenger via m.me/NTVUganda Contact us: CustomerCareUg@ug.nationmedia.com

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