Lost in Translation? The costs of indirect negotiations, through mediators - Jerusalem Studio 848
Peace and pause are naturally negotiated by and between enemies, but not always directly. When the alienation between the parties as it is when Israel faces hostile forces bent on its very destruction, mediators are necessary. This goes back to the armistice agreements of 1949 and is especially evident when Jerusalem is faced by Non-Governmental militias rathet than states - the PLO, Hezbollah, Hamas. Is this an effective way to reach a meeting of the minds, or are the costs of having matchmakers with their own stakes in the deal too high? Panel: - Host Amir Oren, TV7 Editor at Large - Col. (Ret.) Dr. Eran Lerman, Co-host TV7 Middle East Review, Powers-in-Play Panelist, JISS VP and Editor in Chief of the Jerusalem Strategic Tribune - BGEN (Ret) Dr. amnon sofrin Former Mossad Intelligence Directorate Chief Support @tv7israelnews - https://tv7israelnews.com/donate/ Listen to TV7 Israel News latest War updates also on our podcast https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/tv7-israel-news You are welcome to join our audience and watch all of our programs - free of charge! TV7 Israel News: https://www.tv7israelnews.com/vod/series/563/ Jerusalem Studio: https://www.tv7israelnews.com/vod/series/18738/ TV7 Israel News Editor’s Note: https://www.tv7israelnews.com/vod/series/76269/ TV7 Europa Stands: https://www.tv7israelnews.com/vod/series/82926/ TV7 Powers in Play: https://www.tv7israelnews.com/vod/series/84954/ TV7 Israel: Watchmen Talk: https://www.tv7israelnews.com/vod/series/76256/ TV7’s Middle East Review: https://www.tv7israelnews.com/vod/series/997755/ My Brother’s Keeper: https://www.tv7israelnews.com/vod/series/53719/ This week in 60 seconds: https://www.tv7israelnews.com/vod/series/123456/ #IsraelNews #tv7israelnews #newsupdates #IsraelAtWar #IsraelUnderAttack #Jerusalem #IronSwords Rally behind our vision - https://www.tv7israelnews.com/donate/ To purchase TV7 Israel News merchandise: https://teespring.com/stores/tv7-israel-news-store Live view of Jerusalem - https://www.tv7israelnews.com/jerusalem-live-feed/ Visit our website - http://www.tv7israelnews.com/ Subscribe to our YouTube channel - https://www.youtube.com/tv7israelnews Like TV7 Israel News on Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/tv7israelnews Follow TV7 Israel News on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/tv7israelnews/ Follow TV7 Israel News on Twitter - https://twitter.com/tv7israelnews