
Miracles, Healings, Deliverance Break Out During Historic Revival: Asbury Revival Preacher Zach M...

CBN News

The pastor at the center of the Asbury Revival continues to have a front-row seat to some of the powerful moves of God that continue to reverberate two years after the spiritual outpouring first captivated the world. Zach Meerkreebs, author of the new book "Lower: Igniting Spiritual Awakening Through Radical Humility," told CBN News about some of the transformational events he witnessed firsthand. He called articulating in the Asbury outpouring the "honor of a lifetime," noting he sometimes tears up because he misses the experience so much. "We saw healings, we saw freedom, we saw deliverance," he said. "We saw people get out of wheelchairs. We had a basketball player who did not know Jesus at the beginning of the week, gave his life to Christ midweek, and by that night had prayed for someone and their tumors disappeared." He continued, "That's what happens when the presence of God moves into a place. You really don't have to exert yourself a whole lot besides just steward and curate meetings between God's Spirit and God's people." Meerkreebs also told his powerful back story of growing up Jewish and converting to Christianity. "I grew up Jewish and I had not experienced the humility of God until I heard about the incarnation of Jesus," Meerkreebs said. "Like, the very fact of Jesus' incarnation, Him coming from the throne room into the world, just crazy humility." It is that radical humility that has made an impact on the preacher, as he admitted to early struggles with pride when he first came into the church. That was completely shattered, though, when, in February 2023, he said he got to be "part of a unique outpouring of God's Spirit at Asbury University." As CBN News extensively covered, national and international headlines covered the stunning events at the Wilmore, Kentucky, campus, where, for 16 days and nights, students, the community and people from all over the world came together for nonstop prayer and worship. It all started at a regularly scheduled chapel service on February 8, 2023, with that service simply not ending for over two weeks. Meerkreebs, who was speaking at that event, has often spoken about the incredible moment he presided over. For the preacher, humility was the key ingredient that sparked the outpouring. "I didn't want to write the book on specifically the outpouring at Asbury, but I could write about this thing that I think was so foundational and so intriguing about the outpouring — that was Jesus' humility and humble response to the humility of a couple students and a couple of people that would just wait and linger," he said. "And I think that's what we just experienced was what God will do when we go low in humility. He'll fill the space that we vacate." Reflecting back on those 16 days at Asbury, Meerkreebs called the spiritual experience "unbelievable." Listen to him explain. • Watch the weekly "Newsmakers" TV show each week on CBN News ( • Watch the weekly "Newsmakers" TV show on CBN's YouTube channel ( • Download the free CBN News App (

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