
Nation Update: Go for goat meat

La Nation Barbade
Dans Caraibes / Barbade

Farmer Jean-Marc Cozier is hoping he will be able to further develop goat farming. However, he said more incentives from the Government would be needed to get an efficient breeding programme going. Cozier, who operates Market Hill Farms with family, shared his vision yesterday on the final day ofAgrofest 2025 at Queen’s Park, The City. “We imported some goats over the last three years from the United States. It was something we wanted to do for a long time, but because of different health requirements and transport, we were unable to. The transportation cost is still restrictive, and it’s very, very high. However, we bit the bullet. “Our whole plan is to get about 100 does to produce for meat purposes. And then the bucks, we’re looking to help other local farmers by utilising those bucks to change up their genetic pool so they can then create a better quality goat meat as well,” Cozier told the DAILY NATION. He said the breeds were the South African Boer goat and the Kalahari Red, which were predominantly for meat purposes. He maintained that the animals produced quality meat. (Video by Jameel Springer) #MeAndMyNation #YourNewsYourTimeYourWay #TheSourceMatters #Barbados #BarbadosNews

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