
New type of working emerging

Dans Caraibes / Barbade

In an era of artificial intelligence, the trade union movement is also grappling with what it says is a new type of worker emerging. This was disclosed during a panel discussion on evolving or endangered, the role of trade unions in a modern workforce put on by the National Union of Public Workers at its Dalkeith Headquarters, St. Michael. The panel was made up of Michelle Russell an attorney-at-law who specialises in employment law, Deputy General Secretary of the NUPW Wayne Walrond and Julian Hunte a trade unionist and former Deputy General Secretary of the Barbados Workers Union. Mr. Walrond says it's an issue they have to train workers to navigate. Moderator Taahir Bulbulia posed a question to panelist Michelle Russell, an attorney-at-law about the importance of the trade union in the modern workforce. Subscribe to CBC News: cbcbarbados Connect with the CBC News Barbados Website: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: #CBCTV8 #CBCNewsNight #ThisIsWhoWeAre

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