
UK's PM debates 'do not impact' voters ahead of general election

Sky News Australia
Dans Asie / Australie

Monash University UK expert Tom Howe says debates don’t have an “impact” as voters have “already made up their mind”. The UK general election is scheduled for July 4. Sir Keir Starmer and Prime Minister Rishi Sunak recently faced off in a final head-to-head debate. “I don’t think the debates have much impact at all,” Mr Howe told Sky News Australia. “A lot of people have already made up their mind that they wont vote for the Conservative Party. “I think it would be quite unusual for the debate to tip the scale in that regard. “The example in the US is probably a good example where a debate can tip the scale and impact the election, but in the UK’s case I don’t expect the debates to have any impact at all.”

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