
UN: 2024 International Year of Camelids

Dans Asie / Kazakhstan

БҰҰ-ның Азық-түлік және ауыл шаруашылығы ұйымы 2024 жылды түйе жылы деп жариялады. Осыған орай тілшіміз түейлі ауылдың хал-ахуалын білді. Бүгінде Арал, Қазалы ауданындағы шаруалар Ойсылқара тұқымына басымдық беріп, өрісте өргізіп отыр.Тақырыпты тілшімі Қозы Көрпеш Жасаралұлы тарқатады. Aral region KOZY KORPESH JASARALULU REPORTER //There are 250 houses in this village called Aralkum. The main source of income for the people in this place is livestock farming.// Tolemis Orynbai is one of the herders in Aralkum. Camels are well-adapted to their harsh desert environments. "My camels survived the drought of 2021 and came out of trouble without any losses," says the farmer. TOLEMIS ORYNBAI //In that drought, camels generally survived, while other domestic animals had trouble. Rearing camels is effective. For example, camels have a lactation period of about 12 months. Then they eat less grass than other animals.// Camel raising is not difficult, and there are many benefits. Clothes are made from camels' fur and skin, and a drink called Shubat is made from their fermented milk. In the past, they served as a means of transportation. Today, a number of residents of Aralkum sell Shubat to increase their income. ASYL ALMAGAMBETOVA "I milk my camels three times a day. Each camel gives 1 or 1.5 liters of milk per day. After a camel nurses their baby, I milk the camel." The camel farming industry is being developed by the residents of the Kazaly and Aral districts of the Kyzylorda region because camels have adapted to the nature of these regions. Camels can endure a week without drinking and survive without food for a month. It should be noted that today there are 61 thousand camels in the Kyzylorda region. In recent years, farmers in the region have tried to improve the camel breed and plan to increase camel milk production. By Kozy Korpesh Jasaraluly, Chingys Zhumakhanov, KyzylordaTV, from Aral district. #iyc2024 #IYRP #UN #camel Сайт - Facebook - VK - Instagram - Telegram - Tiktok -

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