
Union leader calls for an end to labour minister's powers to intervene in job disputes

CBC Vancouver

As Canada Post employees were ordered back to work, members of the BCGEU and ILWU set up a "community picket line" at the postal processing centre in Richmond. Rob Ashton, the president of the International Longshore & Warehouse Union Canada (ILWU), tells BC Today host Michelle Eliot that the federal back-to-work order sets a bad precedent, and he wants to see an end to the misuse of the section of the Canada Labour Code that allows it. Connect with CBC Vancouver online: Website: TikTok: #CBCVancouver #CBCNews #BritishColumbia #canadapost #canadapoststrike #postalstrike #labourdispute #labour #ilwu #cupw #union #workersrights #strike

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