
US Congressman reveals how Trump prevented Taliban from attacking Americans for 18 months

Sky News Australia
Dans Asie / Australie

A new video has surfaced of US Congressman Wesley Hunt being interviewed and asked about working with former US president Donald Trump. “When we were negotiating with the Taliban – president Trump wanted to get out of Afghanistan but he wanted a conditions-based withdrawal … It’s president Trump and Mike Pompeo, and they are talking to Taliban leadership in the room, and they had one translator in the room,” he said. “President Trump looked at the Taliban leader and said this – ‘I want to leave Afghanistan, but it’s going to be a conditions-based withdrawal’ … he said ‘if you harm a hair on a single American, I’m going to kill you’ … reached in his pocket, pulled out a satellite photo of the leader of the Taliban’s home, and handed it to him, got up and walked out the room. “Do you know for 18 months not a single American was killed in Afghanistan.”

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