
Voters concerned over U.S. economy ahead of the New Hampshire Republican Primary

CGTN America
Dans Asie / Chine

New Hampshire residents are getting ready to cast their votes in New Hampshire’s first in the nation primary. As CGTN’s Karina Mitchell reports, even though there are signs the overall economy in the U.S. is improving, in a state where there are no state or local sales taxes, issues surrounding finances, the economy and getting ahead are important to voters. #cgtnamerica Watch CGTN LIVE on your computer, tablet or mobile Subscribe to CGTN America on YouTube Follow CGTN America: Twitter: @cgtnamerica Facebook: @cgtnamerica Instagram: @cgtnamerica TikTok: @newstoks This material is distributed by MediaLinks TV, LLC on behalf of CCTV. Additional information is available at the Department of Justice, Washington, D.C.

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