
Wakiso district officials conduct a consultative meeting - Residents encroached on the road reserve

Dans Afrique / Ouganda

Wakiso District officials conducting a consultative meeting with residents of Kajjansi, Bweya airstrip, Kanyigo-Bulonde, Dewe and Lutembe encroached on road reserve to vacate for the road construction project which is under way without being compensated. Local leaders urged residents to comply and consent to give out landing for road construction to benefit from program which comes with developments This was the first step as wakiso district set to implement the greater Kampala metropolitan development program which aims at enhancing mobility, fostering job creation, building resilience and strengthening institution capacity in quest to improve service delivery funded by world bank. The five-year project will interlink the three districts and four municipalities with a grant of 600 million dollars from world bank.

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