
We Talk: What do Indians expect from the SCO Heads of State Council meeting?

Channel NewsAsia
Dans Asie / Chine

For more: On July 3 and 4, the 24th meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Heads of State Council will be held in Astana, capital of Kazakhstan. CGTN Stringer took to the streets of Thiruvananthapuram, capital of the southern Indian state of Kerala, to learn about people's understanding of the SCO and their expectations for future cooperation among SCO member countries. Josekutty, a local resident, said it would be very useful for India to connect to the Central Asian countries through the SCO. Amina, a student at the University of Kerala, told CGTN that the SCO can boost the connectivity of economy, trade and culture among the members, providing opportunities and creating a greater market for them. Subscribe to us on YouTube: Download our APP on Apple Store (iOS): Download our APP on Google Play (Android):

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