Wildey businesses encourage to go green
involved in the Wildey Green Initiative have given it the thumbs up. The project involves encouraging businesses to do all they can to go green. Funded by the International Labour Organisation, it has the blessings of the Ministry of the Environment and the Blue and Green Economy and was executed by the Barbados Chamber of Commerce and Industry under the watchful eye of the chairman of the Wildey Green Initiative, Andy Armstrong. Trevor Thorpe reports. Subscribe to CBC News: cbcbarbados Connect with the CBC News Barbados Website: https://www.cbc.bb/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CBCNews.bb/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cbcnewsbarb... Twitter: https://twitter.com/CBCBARBADOS #CBCTV8 #CBCNewsNight #ThisIsWhoWeAre