無綫新聞 |11月19日 | 國際金融領袖投資峰會 | 三菱UFJ: 弱日圓不利日本經濟| TVB News
Because there is more inflation pressure, especially after the change in the leadership, in many countries, if they put more effort in the economic stimulus, that would put more, pressure on the inflation and that would impact on the Japanese yen rate, which is still already, up to 150, 155. That is fairly weak. And the Japan economy is not that export-driven. Therefore, weaker yen would have a negative impact rather on the Japanese economy. So that would, possibly, make some change of the mind of the Bank of Japan. 因為通脹壓力在多國政府換人後增加如它們增加經濟刺激那會增加通脹壓力 衝擊日圓匯價。現仍處於(一美元兌)150至155 仍然相對疲弱。 日本經濟並不是那麼出口主導,因此弱日圓會對日本經濟有較負面影響, 所以那可能令日本央行改變心意。 時刻緊貼香港無綫新聞 TVB News 香港和國際新聞資訊:https://www.youtube.com/@tvbnewsofficial #TVB #無綫新聞 #News #即時新聞 #新聞 #香港新聞 #國際新聞 #国际新闻 #香港新闻 #TVBNews 立即下載《 香港無綫新聞 》App:https://promo.tvb.com/news_app 《香港無綫新聞》網站:https://news.tvb.com ------------------------------ 無綫新聞 ( TVB News ) 香港及國際新聞:https://bit.ly/3BZO9tn Hong Kong and International news from Hong Kong TVB:https://bit.ly/36NmvEy 無綫新聞 ( TVB News ) 普通話新聞:https://bit.ly/3yGokB6 無綫新聞 ( TVB News ) 香港本地要聞:https://bit.ly/4c1wGSj 無綫新聞 ( TVB News ) 星期日檔案 / Sunday Report:https://bit.ly/3C1Tpwz 無綫新聞 ( TVB News ) 新聞透視 / News Magazine:https://bit.ly/3HmbmqM ------------------------------ Like + Follow = 緊貼 TVB 各劇集及藝員動態! 無綫新聞 TVB News Website: http://news.tvb.com TVB Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tvbcom TVB YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKh2nOrPXCW4nXuhr_ZTIzg Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/tvbcomhk Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/tvbcom